[Invited Talk] AI輔助的圖像處理器和編解碼器
- Topic : [Invited Talk] AI輔助的圖像處理器和編解碼器
- Speaker: Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen 陳彥光博士 (IEEE Fellow)
- Date: Thursday, March 30th, 2023
- Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
- Venue: EE2 105 Lecture Room, National Taiwan University (Register for streaming link)
這次演講將探討如何進一步運用人工智慧(AI)提高圖像處理器(ISP)和編解碼器(codec)的效率。具體而言,我們會討論兩個主題:(1)如何利用AI調整已經設計好的圖像處理器和編解碼器的能力,以及 (2)在硬體系統開發時,如何運用AI協助我們進行更好的設計。在圖像/視頻處理和壓縮中,存在著多個設計折衷,而AI可以取代人為啟發式方法,幫助我們更好地設計硬體系統。
Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen received his Ph.D. degree from Princeton University. His research areas span from emerging applications that can utilize the true potential of multimedia and Internet of Things (IoT) to computer architecture that can embrace emerging applications. He has 100+ patents and 100+ technical publications. He is one of the key contributors to Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extension 3 and Advanced Vector Extension in Intel microprocessors. He has given 5+ keynote speeches, e.g., AICAS 2021, and 10+ tutorials at IEEE International Conferences, e.g., VCIP 2012 & 2011, ISCAS 2012 & 2009, and ICME 2010 & 2007. He is recognized as an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to algorithm-architecture co-design for multimedia signal processing.
Registration Link https://forms.gle/yfRyLXE9f6tVPyME7 欲參加者請務必上網報名
主辦單位: 聯發科技-臺大創新研究中心
協辦單位: 臺大電機工程學系/臺大電子工程學研究所/臺大系統晶片中心
演講聯絡人: 臺大電子所 專任助理 邱玉霜 Susan Chiou (yuhshuang@ntu.edu.tw)