InterActive Machine Learning
PI: 鮑興國教授, CoPI: 李育杰教授, 陳玲鈴教授
- Active learning in Interactive Machine Learning
- Active Learning Dual Supervision
- Active Learning with Massive High Dimensional Data
- Machine Tutoring in Interactive Machine Learning
- Taiko drum playing as skill learning
- Robot assembly as knowledge learning

A. Chriswanto, H. Pao and Y. Lee, "A Unified Approach on Active Learning Dual Supervision", in 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-8.
H. Pao, F. Lee and Y. Lee, "Dealing with interleaved event inputs for intrusion detection", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 35, 01 2019, pp. 223-242.
V. Golderzahi, H. Pao, "Understanding Customers and Their Grouping via WiFi Sensing for Business Revenue Forecasting", in Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, P. Perner, Ed., 2018publisher=Springer International Publishing, pp. 56–71.
C. Lin, H. Pao and J. Liao, "Efficient dynamic malware analysis using virtual time control mechanics", Computers & Security, vol. 73, 2018, pp. 359-373.
E. Huang, H. Pao and Y. Lee, "Big active learning", in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 94-101.
T. Lee et al., "Elastic Motif Segmentation and Alignment of Time Series for Encoding and Classification", 2017, pp. .